The Right to Peace: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights at 70


Each year, the United Nations gives the world an opportunity to talk about peace, to celebrate peace, to take action for peace. This year’s theme on the 70th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is an awesome way to build community and deliver on the promise of peace.

Here are some tools for promoting peace in 2018:

Social Media POSTINGS:

The theme for #peaceday 2018 is “The Right to Peace โ€“ the Universal Declaration of Human Rights at 70โ€: Learn more here:

What does โ€œThe Right to Peaceโ€ mean to you? #standup4humanrights

ย This year’s #peaceday celebrates the 70th anniversary of Universal Declaration of Human Rights: “The Right to Peace- The Universal Declaration of Human Rights at 70”. Learn more here: #standup4humanrights

The theme for #peaceday 2018 is “The Right to Peace – The Universal Declaration of Human Rights: at 70โ€ Get involved here: #standup4humanrights

Get ready for this year’s #peaceday on 21 September: “The Right to Peace – Theย  Universal Declaration of Human Rights at 70โ€: Learn more here: #standup4humanrights

Find out more about #SDG16 โ€œPeace, Justice, and Strong Institutionsโ€ and be part of the solution by preventing violence in your schools and communities. #peaceday

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