Donate to a Proven Peacebuilding Movement!
The facts are extraodinary! It’s working and we need your help.
โข Over 250 Cities of Peace in 46 countries on all six continents
โข Creation a global ‘in situ” leadership network
โข Special Consultative Status as an ECOSOC NGO with the United Nations
โข A peace alliance with Nanjing, China for expanding Cities of Peace throughout Southeast Asia
โข Peace Committees and NGO network expansion into States and Regions
To Help Promote This Effort, Please Contribute:
1.ย info@internationalcitiesofpeace.orgย is theย email address to send TO if you want to send directly from a PayPal account.
2. This is the donation linkย for Cities of Peace where you can contribute by Mastercard, Visa, PayPal, etc.
3. As an alternative, you can do a check payable to Cities of Peace and send to this address:
International Cities of Peace
5818 Wilmington Pike, #234
Dayton, Ohio 45459
Each donation is used only to promote the International City of Peace network. No person or entity receives compensation for their volunteer efforts. Thank you.