Amazing news today. Mini-grants for COVID-10 PREVENTION KITS are being donated to 13 Cities of Peace in Africa by UNESCO Chair of Peace Studies at Nanjing University and my friend Professor Liu Cheng of Nanjing: City of Peace. Many City of Peace leaders applied but complete information was provided before deadline by 13 leaders from the following communities: Fizi, D.R. Congo; Monrovia, Liberia; Bamenda, Cameroon; Nateete, Uganda; Kubwa, Nigeria; Mathare, Kenya; Kabarnet, Kenya; Wamba, Nigeria; Kawempe, Uganda; Uyo, Nigeria; Kanyana, Uganda; Mwenga, D.R. Congo; and Kabmpo, Zambia. These vetted and trusted leaders will receive the funds next week and provide receipts for purchases of the virus prevention kits, which include items such as thermometers, anti-bacterial soap, face masks, information sheets, etc. No overhead. No corruption. PLEASE DONATE TO ADD ANOTHER CITY TO RECEIVE THESE PREVENTION KITS. A catastrophe in Africa will affect the entire world! Donate here or contact me for details on how to help.


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