Shining the Light on Peace
Peace Podcast Brings Hundreds of Peacemakers to Light
Barbara Gaughen-Muller is the President of the United Nations Association – Southern California Division, co-founder and immediate past President of the Rotary Club of World Peace, as well as the president-elect of the Rotary Action Group for Peace. She co-authored Revolutionary Conversations: The Tools You Need for the Success You Want. In 2021, she and colleague Sharon Burne established and became ICP Liaisons for Santa Barbara, California as the 323rd International City of Peace.
Importantly for International Cities of Peace movement, Barbara is the creator and host of the popular Peace Podcast with over 100 interviews of world peace leaders. She is publisher of Peace Community magazine and received the Spirit of the UN award after her 70th anniversary speech at the United Nations in New York. Barbara was married to the late Robert Muller, Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations.
In the following Peace Podcast, J. Frederick Arment, Founder and Chair of the Board for International Cities of Peace, is featured. Former Ojai, California: International City of Peace Liaison, gives the opening introduction.
Check out dozens and dozens of indepth, personal interviews with global peacemakers done with the enthusiasm and insight of moderator Barbara Gaughen-Muller.