Progress on Peace in China ICP

From Mr. Liu Cheng, Board Member of International Cities of Peace, Liaison for Nanjing, China: City of Peace, UNESCO Chair of Peace Studies in China, and Professor of History, Nanjing University (compiled by Li Siqi, written by editors Wang Yangqingya and Zhou Shunkang)


2023 is a year of fruitful results for peace studies in China. The UNESCO Peace Studies Chair has made great progress in many aspects such as peace research, peace education, peace activities, peace communication and peace international cooperation. During this year, the professor established cooperation with new partners and deepened friendship with old friends. Sow the seeds of peace and spread the voice of peace. On the occasion of the New Year, let us review the work of the Chair in 2023 and start the journey of peace in 2024.


  • “International Peaceful Cities Series” (ten volumes, Chinese and English) was officially published.
  • The textbook “Peace Education in Middle Schools” was published.
  • Published by Peace Education Translation Series.
  • The Chinese version of the paper on peace studies was published.
  • On December 7, Weifang University held a peace research symposium. Xu Mei, Secretary of the Party Committee of the school, met with Professor Liu Cheng and issued the Weifang University Visiting Professor Certificate. Miao Jinchun, Secretary of the Party Committee and Vice President, attended the meeting, and some teachers from the School of Foreign Languages and the School of Literature and History attended the symposium.
  • Before the epidemic, I was invited to attend an academic conference at the University of Florence. My speech was recently published in the book “The Entanglement between East and West (17th-21st Century)”. The topic of the article was “Reflections on the Cultural Causes of War from the Perspective of Peace Studies.”
  • Students in the Nanjing University graduate elective course “Theories and Methods of Peace Studies” conducted classroom group presentations on six peace themes.

  • The general course “Positive Peace and Conflict Resolution” for undergraduates at Nanjing University discusses the issues of “Designing a peace plan that will help eliminate war and massacres in mankind” and “Can gender equality be achieved?”
  • Carry out “Peace Education” primary school lesson teaching seminars.
  • Ideological and political teachers from Chongqing, Xianyang and Nanjing jointly conducted a teaching seminar on “peace education” in primary schools.
  • The 2023 Peace Education Summer Training Course will be held on July 13 at the Nanjing World Literature Living Room. This is one of the regular activities of the Nanjing Peace Forum.
  • The professor participated in the “War and Peace: New Characteristics and New Challenges Academic Seminar” at the School of International Defense, National Defense University of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army.
  • Visiting professor Egon Spiegel gave a class to students at Nanjing Foreign Languages School to introduce peace studies.
  • Symposium of partners of the Chinese National Commission for Peace Studies Chairs for UNESCO.
  • “International Peace Cities SeriesยทNanjing, China” was selected into the “2023 Read Nanjing Together” book list.
  • Under the influence of Nanjing International Peace City, the construction of Zhijiang Peace City is also on the right track.
  • The professor read the “International Peaceful Cities Series – Nanjing, China” with junior high school students in Nanjing.
  • The professor participated in bimonthly sharing sessions on Jiangsu Provinceโ€™s external publicity work cases.
  • The editorial team of “Peace Research” (collection) inspected Shouxian County, Anhui Province and planned to apply for the county to be included in the third batch of China International Peace Cities.
  • The professor will participate in the 2023 academic committee meeting of the Institute of National Memory and International Peace.
  • Professor Liu Cheng attended the 27th National Conditions and Chinese Studies Teaching Seminar and delivered an important speech.
  • The project “Educating Peace in the Cloud – Continuing the Story of Rabe’s Diary and Sowing the Seeds of Peace Education” directed by Professor Liu Cheng won the first prize in the College Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition.
  • Chair Secretary Li Siqi was invited to participate in the “International Youth China Tour – Nanjing Station” and delivered a speech on behalf of Nanjing youth.
  • Complete the “Rabe’s Diary and Peaceful City” survey questionnaire of Nanjing University.
  • The professor participated in the summer peace training course held by NARPI (Northeast Asia Peacebuilding Educational Institute) in Terelki, Mongolia.
  • The professor was invited to participate in the “International Exchange Roundtable” event of Nanjing University and briefly introduced the work of peace studies at Nanjing University to foreign experts from Nanjing University.
  • The professor, Nanjing Normal University Press and the Chahar Society jointly held a promotion conference for the “International Peace Cities Series” in Beijing to convey the voice of peace to the world. Image
  • Two young teachers from Nanjing No. 1 Middle School discussed peace education middle school courses with professors at Nanjing University.
  • It was the second time that the professor participated in the Peace Medal and Graduation Ceremony of Fengshang Kindergarten.
  • “City of Literature Meets City of Peace” – Suzhou Reading Sharing Meeting.
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  • The professor participated in a special research symposium at Nanjing University held by the Information Office of the Jiangsu Provincial Government to prepare for the establishment of the Jiangsu University International Communication Capacity Building Alliance to promote peace.
  • The business director of the famous German publishing house Springs Nature in China came to Nanjing from Beijing to discuss cooperation in peace science publishing.
  • At the Nanjing Normal University Press, we held a series of peace education project demonstration meetings with primary and secondary school teachers, peace experts and editors.
  • Mayor Chen Yaozong of Dengfeng City and his six-member delegation made a special trip to Nanjing University to discuss cooperation with the professor on creating an international peaceful city and promoting peace studies.
  • On the Anti-Japanese War Memorial Day (September 3), the professor and Nanjing Normal University Press held a sharing session on “Remembering History and Cherishing Peace – “International Peace Cities SeriesยทNanjing, China”” at the Wutai Mountain Head Office of Nanjing Pioneer Bookstore.
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  • On Teacher’s Day, the professor participated in the “2023 Read Nanjing Together” event hosted by the Nanjing National Reading Office at Youth Bookstore, and led everyone to read the “International Peaceful City SeriesยทNanjing, China” in the “Bookish Nanjing Lecture Hall” and had all the Media live broadcast.
  • The professor attended the 2023 annual meeting of the “Songshan Forum” and delivered a keynote speech, reported by
  • Chairman Zhang of the CPPCC of Xuyi County and Jin Qiu, director of the Cultural and Historical Information Center, visited Nanjing University in September to exchange information on applying for an international peace city. They reached a consensus and immediately started the application process.
  • A group of seven members from the UNESCO Chair on Media and Women visited the UNESCO Chair in Peace Studies at Nanjing University for exchanges and learning.
  • The professor was invited to visit Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University to learn about the brief history of the school’s development and exchange ideas on the possibility of cooperation in peace education.
  • Harbin Veterans Affairs Bureau and 731 Exhibition Hall went to NTU to exchange and cooperate to create Harbin International Peace City.
  • With the help of the professor, Dengfeng, Henan Province became the 394th International Peace City. This is China’s fourth international peace city after Nanjing.
  • “Nanjing University Rabe Memorial Hall 2023 Annual Work Meeting and “International Peaceful Cities Series” New Book Launch” was successfully held at the Rabe Memorial Hall.
  • On the day of commemoration of the victims of the Nanjing Massacre, the memorial service in Jeju Island, South Korea, went on as scheduled. Professor Liu Chengโ€™s message of peace was read out at the meeting.
  • On the day of commemoration of the victims of the Nanjing Massacre, the professor participated in the “One Class Together” program in 100 cities organized by Nanjing Radio and Television.
  • Hold peace lectures
  • He gave the first lecture of the new semester to Nanjing University students at the “Freshmen Luncheon” of Nanjing University Institute of Advanced Studies.
  • Nanjing No. 1 Middle School held a lecture on peace studies.
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  • Delivered peace studies lectures for key teachers of ideological and political courses in primary schools in Qinghai Province and teacher students of Tianjin Normal University.
  • Conducted peace studies lectures at Nanjing University of the Arts.
  • Conducted peace studies lectures at Hangzhou Normal University.
  • Lecture at Nanjing Universityโ€™s 2023 โ€œMeeting and Wenduโ€ study camp.
  • Delivered a lecture titled “World Security and Peace Construction from the Perspective of Peace Studies” at Jiangsu Normal University.
  • At the academic conference of the Chinese and Russian academic circles after the epidemic, he gave a lecture titled “Peace Construction in the Perspective of Globalization” to undergraduate students majoring in Russian and English at Heihe University.
  • The chairperson visited China Foreign Affairs University in Beijing and gave salon lectures to teachers and students of the school as well as master’s students of Public Security University and Union Medical College, and discussed the connotation and value of peace building with experts and scholars in the same field.
  • The chairperson gave a lecture entitled “Peace Studies Reflections on World Security” at the “Smart People” academic exchange event organized by the Globalization Research Center of the School of Social Sciences of Tsinghua University, the Wise International Institute and the Chahar Society.
  • The professor participated in the National Affairs Study Course of Nanjing University for Civil Servants of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. The chairperson of the professor gave a lecture on “Peace Construction in a Traumatized City” to 40 Hong Kong civil servants at Jiangdongmen Memorial Hall.
  • The teacher gave a lecture on peace studies to the intensive class students who had just entered the high school section of No. 29 Middle School.
  • The chairperson gave a lecture on “Peace Concept and Practice in the New Era” to the Hong Kong delegation of more than 180 people.
  • The chairperson gave a lecture on “Nanjing’s Concepts and Actions in Creating a Peaceful City” to Chinese and foreign students at Tsinghua University at the Jiangdongmen Memorial Hall on August 15, the Victory Day of the Anti-Japanese War.
  • The chairperson gave a lecture on “Causes of War and Conflict Resolution from the Perspective of Peace Studies” to middle school teachers in Taizhou.
  • The chairperson gave a lecture on “The Concept of Peace in Cross-Cultural Dialogue and the Nanjing Action” to 64 undergraduate freshmen from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan at Gulou Campus.
  • Professor Liu Cheng, chairperson, and German professor Egon Spiegel gave lectures on peace to more than 600 students at the School of Marxism, Nanjing Special Education Normal University.
  • Professor Liu Cheng, chairperson, and German professor Egon Spiegel gave a lecture on peace studies at Nanjing Xiaozhuang University.
  • Professor Liu Cheng, chairperson of the chair, delivered a lecture on peace studies at the National Defense University.
  • Professor Liu Cheng, chairperson of the chair, gave a lecture on peace education to local primary and secondary school teachers in Lianyungang.
  • Chair Lecture Series
  • Nanjing Peace Forum
  • On April 19, the professor participated in the cooperation with the Third Nanjing Peace Forum organized by the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee.
  • Participate online in the Zoom seminar on the draft of “Common Guidelines for Peace Education Curriculum in Northeast Asia”. This meeting is one of the Nanjing Peace ForumยทPeace Education sub-forums.
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  • Chair chairs and chair fellows participated in the Beijing sub-forum of the Nanjing Peace Forum.
  • The third Nanjing Peace Forum successfully opened in the Garden Expo, and the professor hosted the peace education sub-forum.
  • Spread the voice of peace
  • In 2023, a total of 91 tweets were published on the public account of the Peace Studies Professorship, 43 of which were original and 48 were reposted.
  • CCTV and CGTN reported on the Emerging Countries Image Media Forum that the professor was invited to participate in. Reporters from the two national TV stations and local Deyang TV station interviewed the chairperson and made relevant reports.
  • Jiangsu Radio and Television Media interviewed Professor Liu Cheng and reported on the peace education course at Suojin Primary School.
  • Niuka Video Live Nanjing broadcast the launch event of the 28th Nanjing Reading Festival, and “International Peaceful Cities SeriesยทNanjing Volume” was selected as a recommended book.
  • The “Peace Studies Series” published books to participate in the 29th Beijing Book Expo and accepted an on-site interview with “Little Sunshine Angel”.
  • China Social Sciences Journal interviewed Professor Liu Cheng, chairperson of the chair, and Professor Egon of the University of Vechta in Germany and published a full page news.
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  • The tenure of the Chair at UNESCO was successfully extended.
  • The professor participated in the first Emerging Countries Media Forumโ€™s themed forum on “Images of Peace and International Disaster Relief and Rescue through Government-Enterprise-Social Cooperation”.
  • The annual conference of the International Peace Research Association (IPRA) was held in Trinica and Tobago, North America.
  • The Chair of Peace Studies participated in the online seminar “Beyond the Limits: New Approaches to Reshaping Higher Education” hosted by UNESCO.
  • Preliminary discussions on music for peace cooperation with the UNESCO Peace Chair in Music, Education and Science at the National Tchaikovsky Conservatoire of Ukraine.
  • Weekly meetings of the African Peace Studies Sustainable Development Project, 48 times in total.
  • The second meeting of the “Common Guidelines for Peace Education Textbooks in Northeast Asia” was held in Fukuoka, Japan.
  • Professor Egon Spiegel from the University of Vechta in Germany was invited to Nanjing University to carry out five-month peace academic research and exchange activities.
  • UNESCO develops a document on intercultural competencies for peace-building, and the Chair participates in expert consultation seminars in the Asia-Pacific region.
  • Participate in the board of directors of the International Cities of Peace Association and apply for Dengfeng and Xuyi international peace cities.
  • “Common Guidelines for Peace Education Curriculum in Northeast Asia” Nanjing Workshop.
  • “Newsletter of the International Federation of Peace Museums” (Issue 39) published the newsletter of the “International Peace Cities Series” (English version).
  • The Northeast Asia Peace Education Institute (NARPI) Executive Committee meeting decided to launch a peace education summer school in Kumamoto, Japan, in August 2024.
  • The professor went to Japan to participate in the East Asia Quadrilateral Dialogue and delivered 4 keynote speeches.
  • Chair participated in the Paris Peace Forum.
  • The professor was in Paris to participate in the 2023 Paris Dialogue of the China-EU-US Think Tank Cooperation Forum.
  • Meeting with the author of “Dresden, Germany” from the “International Peace Cities Series”.

The green pines are covered with snow and the dragons are flying in the spring. It is the New Year. The Chair of Peace Studies sincerely wishes you good health, continues to pursue equality and friendship in the new year, and builds peace with us.


Material: Li Siqi

Editor: Wang Yangqingya, Zhou Shunkang

Editor-in-Chief: Liu Cheng

UNESCO Peace Learning and Teaching

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