TO: Liaisons for Cities of Peace around the world

FROM: J. Fred Arment, Chair, International Cities of Peace

RE: Three Questions

We need your input! Please let me know your Actions for Peace. Below are three questions about you and your community regarding how you are working for peace.

As a Liaison for ICP,ย  you have the opportunity to let the world know about your community and how you are working for peace. I hope you will respond to the following three questions:


> QUESTION #1: What is the main community challenge you are addressing?

> QUESTION #2: How are you addressing this challenge?

> QUESTION #3: What is the intended result and how are you doing so far?

We will be featuring your City of Peace initiatives in a new ICP Presentation for donors and friends.

We hope to receive your reply!

1. Send me an email and write your answers to the above questions and send to:

2. Please include a few photos and captions of your efforts.

I appreciate all of your efforts. Your email and contact information will not be revealed. If a donor would like to contact you, we will inform you and let you make first contact. Thank you.

Sincerely and with respect,
J. Fred Arment
Chair, Lead Facilitator


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