Thousands of artists around the globe submitted designs based on “Peace and City” and some extraordinary beauty was the result. With Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata in the background, the Executive Director of International Cities of Peace reads an excerpt of his nonfiction work, “The Elements of Peace: How Nonviolence Works”. The excerpt, called “The Virtuoso of Peace”, is used to complement the ideas involved in these Peace Poster Ideas, profound and clever though they be individually and collectively.

Thanks to all those who participated. International Cities of Peace was the Guiding Organization for the project.ย  The Memorial Hall for the Victims of the Nanjing Massacre was the sponsoring organization. International Cities of Peace was the Guiding Organization for the theme, “City and Peace”. Thanks to Board Member Gabriela Pickett and Italian artist in Sarno: City of Peace, Gladys Cantelmi.




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