Peace Studies in China

UPDATE from Professor Liu Cheng and assistant Li Siqi. Professor Liu is the UNESCO Chair of Peace Studies in China and a Board Member of Cities of Peace, Inc.

Reprinted with permission…

On the afternoon of July 12, the “Nanjing University 2021 C9 Peace Studies International Summer School” jointly organized by the UNESCO Chair in Peace Studies, the Undergraduate School of Nanjing University and the Northeast Asian Institute of Peace Education (NARPI) opened as scheduled. This summer class uses a combination of online lectures and group discussions. There are students from Tsinghua University, Peking University, Xiโ€™an Jiaotong University, University of Science and Technology of China, Fudan University, Nanjing University, Zhejiang University, Harbin Institute of Technology, and Shanghai Jiaotong University 61 undergraduate students participated.

At the opening ceremony, Mr. Jae Young Lee, Dean of the Northeast Asian School of Peace Education, Professor Liu Cheng, Nanjing University History School and the host of the UNESCO Chair in Peace Studies, and Dr. Liu Yang, Project Director of the C9 Summer School of Nanjing University Undergraduate School, delivered speeches one after another , Introduced this summer school from multiple perspectives of the past, present and future.

Jae Young Lee first pointed out that in the context of today’s era, people are increasingly aware of the need for mutual understanding, and learning about peace has become increasingly important. Ms. Jae Young Lee said that he is very looking forward to the next study together and hopes that everyone can work hard to build a safe and equal future in their respective fields of work in the future.

Professor Liu Cheng

Professor Liu Cheng expressed his gratitude to Mr. Jae Young Lee and his team, and also agreed that for the common future of the world, everyone needs to learn how to achieve security and equality. For this reason, the cause of peace education and peace building should be Pay attention to it. Professor Liu Cheng believes that peace is not a “result” but a “process” that is always on the move. It is precisely because there are generations of young people dedicated to the cause of peace, the future will become more peaceful and better. In addition, Professor Liu Cheng made a brief summary of the work carried out by the UNESCO Chair in Peace Studies in universities in recent years, including Nanjing Universityโ€™s masterโ€™s program and co-hosting with Coventry University and other well-known universities and organizations at home and abroad. International summer school.

Dr. Liu Yang also affirmed the importance of peace education and peace building to the future of mankind, and the Northeast Asia Peace Organization has also promoted the friendship between Japan, South Korea and other countries and China in the process of co-creating a variety of peaceful practices. .

After a brief self-introduction and mutual understanding, today’s course content began. The topic of the lecture was “Conflict and Peace Building”. The speaker was Gayeon Kim, the editor-in-chief of the Korean “Peace Magazine Project”. This lecture is dedicated to providing participants with framework knowledge about peace and conflict research, and focuses on three main terms: conflict, peace and violence, and guides everyone to further think about how they are applied to us after defining and understanding these terms In daily life.

Throughout the course, the trainees listened carefully and shared their insights and reflections through personal speeches and interactive discussions. They all had a deeper understanding of the study of peace, and they were also full of enthusiasm for the next three days of study and life.

The lectures on the 13th, 14th, and 15th are: “Restorative Justice Against Historical Trauma” by Hiro Katano and Jae Young Lee, researchers of the Institute of Peace Research at Meiji Gakuin University, Tokyo; Hong Soek Kim, founder of Collective Joy, a peace-building organization Lecture on “Community-based Conflict Transformation”; Professor Kyoko Okumoto of Osaka University and Researcher Ryozo Teruoka of the Kawasaki Peace Museum on “The Role of Art, Education and Exhibition”.


Excerpt from:ย Nanjing University 2021 C9 Peace Studies International Summer School starts smoothly. Publisher: General Office of the College of Undergraduates Release time: 2021-07-14 Views: 250

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