Leader John Mukhuta is responsible for over 200 orphaned victims of war. Their vision is to build a school and a health care center.
Lubumbashi, Katanga, Democratic Republic of Congo: City of Peace
Welcome to John Mukhuta Muhiana and colleagues of the Jhon Foundation and the World Peace Foundation Association who are creating a city of peace initiative in Lubumbashi, Katanga Province of D.R. Congo. The World Peace Foundation Association was created on 22/01/2003 in Lubumbashi, where their headquarters reside in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
Note: Introduction page with information primarily at the time of joining International Cities of Peace. For updates, please contact the liaison.
The World Peace Foundation is actively involved in the awakening of the individual and collective consciousness for the efficient and massive participation of the Congolese population in the process of raising children, adolescents and adults (men and women) to a culture of peace, non-violence, justice, … for peaceful coexistence and good governance in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
The main purpose of the World Peace Foundation is that of restoring peace in the community through education. Hence our mission statement: “peace – love – unity.”
In its mission to popularize the culture of peace and non-violence, the foundation of world peace has undertaken a project to show the outbreak of World Day of Peace to enable it cover its needs as the organization of the said day, the realization of his films, … contributing to the achievement of its objectives.
The association administrative seat is situated of on the 4th floor – office No. 10 at the “hotel de Ville de Lubumbashi”. This famous hotel is located at the joint corner of two main avenues (Tabora and Lomani) in Lubumbashi town center. Therefore, note that due to some few reasons, we are looking forward to transfer the seat to another place. Nevertheless we shall still be using the same postal address, which is 47.ARTICLE 03: OBJECTIVES
The main purpose of world peace foundation (WPF) is that of restoring peace in the community through education. Hence our mission statement: “peace – love – unity.”We henceforth target at achieving the following objectives:
1. To inculcate a strong culture of peace that is based on none – violence and justice into our children, adolescents and adults.
2. To equip our community members with proper skills on how to resolve conflicts in peaceful ways.
3. To empower them with skills to help them intervene in conflicts ‘cases’, which may arise among individuals, families, companies, etc.
4. To unite children with hope to provide them with strong policies of good ways to maintain peace among them – with expectations to see them extend such manners in the whole community.
5. To build more schools in the community.
6. To establish colleges / universities able to produce a well equipped personnel able to resolve peacefully conflicts within our society.
7. To further make possible the celebration of the world peace day every year that falls on 21/ September to promote the United Nations missions.
The duration of this association is unprejudiced. This is so due to the fact that its duration is actually determined by one simple condition. The condition is to obtain peace in all places of our country and see even that of the entire world.ARTICLE 05: ACTIVITIES FIELD
The World Peace Foundation’s Association’s operation field is firstly limited within KATANGA PROVINCE. WE THEREFORE ASPIRE EXTEND ITS FILD TO OTHER DRC PROVINCES SEE EVEN OUTSIDE OUR COUNTRY.
The association comprises the following members of staff:• Effective members
• Managing committee members
• Members of honor
• Supportive and sympathetic membersA. EFFECTIVES MEMBERS
These are full time members who are issued of the entire association programs schedule. They follow regularly all the teaching programmes as planned by the organization. Such members can either be adolescents or adults who belong to a club, school or university that is established by the organization looking into issues concerning peace and resolution of conflicts. Further more, these members have the right to fill in some admission forms for membership.B. MANAGING COMMITTEE MEMBERS
The roles of these members limit on the committee level of the association. These members are nominated by the national representatives. They too fill some admission forms to determine the duration of their contract.C. MEMBERS OF HONOUR
These members are the ones who willingly get interested to any activity of the association with hope to see any kind of support such as financial from them simply to show attachment to it.D. SUPPORTIVE AND SYMPATHETIC MEMBERS
Under this group of members, we find ladies and gentlemen who support either regularly or irregularly the activities of the association i.e. they regulate all the financial, material and moral needs, which arise within the association.
To be a member of WPF, one has to freely or voluntarily fill a given form, which in return is presented to representative personnel who is free to either appreciate it or not.• LEAVING
Members of the association are not tied up as they are free to leave the association depending on personal reasons. Thus that can be done on notification or just abandoning the attributed/assigned activities or post.• EXPULSION
Only the national representative or his delegated officer have the mandate to expel any members who fail to behave according to the standard norms of the organization as set by its rules and regulations. Having said so, we strongly believe that WPF is a social organization. Hence its members are covered by an ethical code of conduct.ARTICLE 08: FUNDRAISING – FINANCIAL RESOURCES
The world peace foundation is funded through various fundraising activities, pledges and some donations from within country and outside the country. Note that such donations can either be cash money or in materials forms.ARTICLE 09: ORGANS
World peace foundation comprises three categories of organs which are:
• The general assembly
• The director committee
• The auditorBelow are some of these organs attributes or functions:
• This is the supreme organ of the association
• It deals with decision making in the association
• It is composed of all members of the directors committee all the provincial representatives, districts, effective members and all the messengers.
• There are two kinds of assembly that take place. The ordinary one (once per year) and the extraordinary assembly that takes place on convocation of the national administrater. Once he notices any need. Note that apart from the national representative, he can as well empower a delegation to do it.
• The meetings here are meant for decisions making, elaboration of the action plans and the adoption of tangible mechanisms and strategies toward work in the association.THE DIRECTOR COMMITTEE
This organ is composed of all members within the organization who had been chosen to carry out some functions within the association structure.
• They execute all decisions made by the general assembly
• Their reporting is done during the general assembly meeting
• Below is the composition of the director committee:
(a) The national representative
(b) The general secretary
(c) The in-charge of finance
(d) The in-charge of projectsTHE AUDITOR
• Monitors how good the activities of the association are being carried out
• Safeguard the financial department of the association
• It verifies the execution of projects, the earning ways and expenditure of money in the association.
• Members of this organ meet at any time as long as they notice some anomalies or irregularities within the association in terms of execution of decisions made or financial misuse
• Reporting of matters is therefore done directly to the national representative.
A. The organization of the administration and different attribution of powers and tasks.
• The general assembly is the supreme authority on both levels legislative and juridictive
• It is the tribunal that deals with different problems of the association
• It comprises all effective members and all other members of the association who have specific functions / roles to play2. NATIONAL REPRESENTATIVE
• In other terms it is called the hub of the organization.
• It coordinates all the association activities
• In case of empechment, the national representatives hires its powers to any of its nearby collaboration
• He is in charge of signing the projects in collaboration/conjuction with the in-charge of finances and all account documents
• His office is the converging point of all reports via the secretariat office.3. THE GENERAL SECRETARY
• He is in charge of all administrative correspondence of the association
• He scribbles all things of the administrative as per the representative request
• He is in charge of both internal and external management.
• He keeps all documents and achieves of the association
• The general secretary is the conveyor belt of the entire association in terms of all issues concerning communication4. THE IN-CHARGE OF EDUCATION
• He is the educator or technician of the organization. He performs the following tasks:
– Educating the adolescents and adults
– Printing of all documents that have to do with peace education in the association via the general secretary’s office
– He receives reports from the principal coordinator.
– The educator gives the representative all the printed documents as seen above5. THE MEDIATOR
• The mediator is in charge of all conflicts
• He is the organization judge/counselor
• He resolves all conflicts or differences that arise within members of the association or any other matter involving members of the association and outsiders
• He addresses his report straight to the representatives via the general secretary’s office5. THE IN-CHARGE OF FINANCES
• He is the financial controller of the association
• He keeps and accounts all treasury of the association
• He elaborates the financial bills-reports
• He withdraws money on condition that they both him and the representative endorse their signatures for confirmation and transparence
• He deals with all the departmental expenditure reports that he transmits the representative7. THE IN-CHARGE OF PROJECTS
• He conceives all the organization projects with the representative orders
• He has got power to conceive a project by using his own initiative, which can as well be submitted to the office responsible of it.8. THE IN-CHARGE OF LOGISTIC
• He deals with issue regarding the organization management
• He has the rights to get in touch with any other organization with hope to bring in new issues to promote standards of the association9. THE IN-CHARGE OF WOMEN
• He conceives and excutes all the projects related to women activities
• He deals with all problems/difficulties to with women as encounter in the department
• He reports to the director committee10. THE IN-CHARGE OF TRANSLATION
• He translates all documents and correspondence from English to French and that vice verse depending on the need
• He helps facilitates the communication in case of any visitors from any English speaking nations by doing the interpretation
• He also does translate documents from the official language into other local languages11. THE PRINCIPAL COODINATOR
• He coordinates all the coordinators
• He organizes meetings of the artisan coordinators of peace
• He harmonises all activities and manifestation programmes within the association
• He monitors the progress / development and respects all the programmes
• He is the converging staff of all the reports from within sections
• He does report straight to the general severalB. WAYS OF NOMINATION AND REVOCATION
• Nomination of the administrative committee member is done by the national representative or notification
• The newly nominated member is given a form to be filled that authorizes his membership officially
• Revocation of a member must be notified by the national representativeN.B. Before any decision is taken on both of the above actions we expect the issue to be made official to be at least ¾ of the assembly of director committee, which is done by submission of the concerned member for them to either appreciate or approbate.
Duration of their mandate is five (05) years but it depends also on the contract durationD. ENGAGEMENT WITH OTHERS
Only the national representatives has the authority to engage the association to other organizations. But he can as well authorize any of his collaborators to do so on condition they produce an official order signed by the N.R. to fulfill the mission at stake.ARTICLE 11: WAYS OF ESTABLISHING ANNUAL ACCOUNTS
• The annual accounts are elaborated by the in charge of finances who conjointly with the general secretary sign them before submission of the same to the national representative.• THE STATUTE MODIFICATION
To modify the statute of this association the majority of a maximum 2/3 of the effective members must pronounce the modification of it.ARTICLE 12: IMPORTANT REMARKS
Note that any addition to the statute policies will draw the internal attention. To which all members of the association must subscribe to show confirmation.FOR THE ASBL
We the undersigned effective member sof the administration of the “association sans but lucrative” (ASBL), cutlet the “world peace foundation” (WPF), hereby declare through article # 0041 of 20 July 2004 concerning regulation of the above mentioned association (ASBL) and of the public utility of establishment that necessary resources to permit our association perform effectively its assigned objectives are from
• Members fundraising
• Donations
• Other financial supportsFOR THE “ASBL”
John Mukhuta Muhiana
• Primaires: Obtention d’un certificat à l’EP LWAO
• Secondaires: Obtention d’un brevet d’aptitude professionnelle en menuiserie
• Certificats certificate in conflict analyses peace studies and conflict transformatoon
• Diploma programme in peace studies and conflict transformation
• Diploma in social work-uk community developpemnt
• Miracle heling centre (U.A.S)
• BU entreprises
• Peace corps
• Société de prière de la paix mondiale comme représentant national (R.D.C)
• Thees-day Africa peace representative in Accra (Ghana)
• Contribution à la décennie internationale de la promotion d’un culture de la paix et de la non-violence et de la paix aux profits des enfants du monde 2001-2010
• Certificat of ownership the United States Cogress représentant national de la fondation de la paix mondiale en RDC
John Mukhuta Muhiana: +243 97 34 90 141
World Peace Foundation
N0 646,Avenue du 30 juin, Quartier Industriel Commune de Manika , Ville de Kolwezi.
Cell phone N0 +243-971-762-627 +243-819-954-717
The Democratic Republic of the Congo (French: République démocratique du Congo), sometimes referred to as DR Congo, Congo-Kinshasa or the DRC, is a country located in Central Africa. It is the second largest country in Africa by area and the eleventh largest in the world with a population of over 75 million. The Democratic Republic of the Congo was formerly, in chronological order, the Congo Free State, Belgian Congo, Republic of the Congo, and Zaire (Zaïre in French).
Katanga is one of the provinces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Between 1971 and 1997 (during the rule of Mobutu Sese Seko when Congo was known as Zaire), its official name was Shaba Province. Lubumbashi is the second largest city in the country, second only to the nation’s capital Kinshasa. Lubumbashi is the mining capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo, acting as a hub for many of the country’s biggest mining companies. The copper-mining city serves as the capital of the relatively prosperous Katanga Province, lying near the Zambian border. Population estimates vary widely but average around 1.5 million.
Katanga’s regional capital is Lubumbashi. Its area is 497,000 km², larger than California and 16 times larger than Belgium. Farming and ranching are carried out on the Katanga Plateau. The eastern part of the province is a rich mining region, which supplies cobalt, copper, tin, radium, uranium, and diamonds. The capital city, Lubumbashi, is the second largest city in the Congo. Moïse Katumbi Chapwe, a businessman, is the governor of Katanga province. He took office on 24 February 2007.
The Second Congo War, beginning in 1998, devastated the country and is sometimes referred to as the “African world war” because it involved nine African nations and twenty armed groups. Despite the signing of peace accords in 2003, fighting continued in the east of the country in 2007. There, the prevalence of rape and other sexual violence is described as the worst in the world. The war is the world’s deadliest conflict since the Chinese Civil War, killing 5.4 million people since 1998. More than 90% were not killed in combat. They died from diseases that were both preventable and treatable (malaria, diarrhea, pneumonia and malnutrition) aggravated by displaced populations living in unsanitary and over-crowded conditions that lacked access to shelter, water, food and medicine. Forty seven percent of those deaths were children under five. Until today the ongoing conflicts exacerbate the exhaustion of the country’s great agricultural potential. This is one reason for a high mortality rate and prevalence of malnutrition. Conflict for control of the mineral wealth is behind some of the most violent atrocities.
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