Nyala, Darfur, Sudan: City of Peace
We welcome Ibrahim Modi, Program Director of United Peace Organizaion and leader of Nyala, Darfur, Sudan: City of Peace. Ibrahim and his colleagues, show in photos below, have laid out a practical vision for their community:
Note: Introduction page with information primarily at the time of joining International Cities of Peace. For updates, please contact the liaison.
1. Organization backgrounds
United Peace organization (U P O) Is national NGOs which was registered with Humanitarian Aid commission (HAC) and Ministry of legal affairs (MLA) in Sudan united peace organization is not religious or political or commercial foundation it is basically humanitarian organization whose vision is to promote peace , Development and unit among the indigenous community ordering Empowerment for all” among the deferent community in Sudan and outside Sudan (UPO) has able to acquire sufficient community goodwill that will enable to implement best future activities smoothly. in addition the organization has competent and experience staffs as well as equipped coordination office in Sudan2. Organization vision
The vision of UPO is peace, Development and uniting the peace capacity building and Empowerment for all’ among the deferent ethnic groups in Sudan .
The organization is fully committed to its mission to implementing the best future activities and is realistic if supported by all stakeholders in this conflicts .and this serves as guiding principle to all UPO, s Initiative in rural area as well as urban locations.
3. Organization mission statement
UPO believes in contributing towards peace Development and community Empowerment for all” by undertaking innovative initiative in following sectors in Sudan as is staple activities and objects to be implemented by UPO.• Peace building
• Education
• Water & sanitation
• Livelihood & food security
• Health and nutrition
• Organization objectivesa) Objectives
i. To give skills to the youth, women, employees and vulnerable groups through trainings
ii. To advocate for gender equity
iii. To promote the spirit of self reliance
iv. To promote unity, peace and reconciliation since UPO is a non tribal organization
v. To sensitize the communities on good sanitation and hygiene practices
vi. to promote agriculture and livelihood among the communities in south darfur
vii. To revive and modify cultures that hinder ways of meeting the millennium development goals
viii. To share and sustain god’s love in Sudan
ix. To provide safe clean water
x. promote community development in all forms2. The Staff Body
This s comprised of all the employees of UPO and shall be headed by the Director. Its’ structure shall flow as follow
I. Director
II. Project Coordinators
III. Administrator/Finance Office
IV. Extension Workers/ Technicians
V. Drivers
VI. Guards
VII. Cleaners/ Cooksb) Roles and Duties
1. The Board of Trustees
These are the founder members of UPO and shall be responsible for the following
i. They oversee all the activities
ii. Carry out regular auditing
iii. Lobby for funds
iv. Organize Board meetings
v. Their decision on disciplinary cases are final
vi. The Board shall approve recruitment of staff
vii. The Board shall approve registration of members
viii. The Board shall approve any partnership project undertaking with any NGO, CBO, Company etc
ix. The Board shall be responsible for policy making
x. The Board shall be a signatory to the bank
xi. The Board shall be responsible for managing the human resource of the organization
2. The Board Chairperson
i. He/ she shall be the head of the Board of Trustees
ii. Chairs all Board meetings
iii. Initiates project proposals and ensures that they are sent out for donations
iv. He/ she shall be a signatory to the bank
v. Shall update the Board on the progress of UPO’s activities
vi. Shall compile reports of funded projects and submit to the donors
vii. Shall be responsible for signing any partnership undertaking
viii. Shall ensure that all staff are briefed on the policies of UPO He/ she shall represent UPO in external meetings, ceremonies etc
ix. He/ she with the help of the Treasurer shall ensure that finances are used for UPOs projects
x. Shall present applicants’ form to the Board for assessment
xi. The Chairperson shall approve finances for project activities
a) Finances
UPO shall have a bank account in any of the recognized financial institutions operating in South Darfur and Sudani. shall have two signatories to the bank and those shall be
• The director.
• The Treasurer.
• Program manager.Proceeds that shall be realized from the organization’s Income Generating Activities shall be remitted to the bank within 48 hours
The two signatories to the bank are subject to change when deemed necessary by the Board
United peace Organization (UPO) basically operates in south Darfur, west Darfur and North in south Darfur we covered
v Nyala locality
v Greida locality
v elder fur san locality
v Tulus locality
v Almalam locality
v Buram locality
v Assalaia locality
v Bahrelarab locality
v Elraoum Locality
About the leaders of the initiative.
Organization contacts address
Nyala liaison office
Hai cinema,Jumhuria Street
Nyala city- south Darfur
email unitedpeace@live.com
email info@upo.net23.net
Tell 0913554130\0117195045
Website:www. upo.net23.net
Skype : united.peace.organizatonOur coordination and incorporation
We usually coordinate with government institutional procedures such as ministry of Education, ministry of legal affairs, ministry of health, Humanitarian affair, ministry of humanitarian aid commission, ministry of social wale fare, ministry of Water, UN agencies, communities providers communities leaders and we collaborate with others NGOs or companies and subordinated people whom are operating in the same regions or location in order to avert and avoid the duplication in working and acting locationsRecently planning of United Peace organization
Objects planning
UPO currently planning to add new activities In it lists as previous and recently objects in UPOs programs such as community social campaign, individual problem In Sudan or in any side part of the world MORE over for currently objective
v Livelihoods and Food Security,
v Livestock
v Education,
v Peace building and reconciliation
v Water, sanitation and environment
v Health and nutrition
In mentioned above programs UPO swear to contributes self-relief to the community if supported by all stockholders and will initiative the earlier assistance to the different community as different locations and urban areas through the next three yearsMore thank and good enchanting when having look at this profile and your longer paying heed I think smoothly and expanded future to the UPO with any partner willing to have partner with UPO.
Letter of Intent
Ibrahim Modi: dunitedpeace@gmail.com
History of Nyala and the Darfur Region (from Wikipedia):
Darfur, the realm of the Fur, is a region in western Sudan. An independent sultanate for several hundred years, it was incorporated into Sudan by Anglo-Egyptian forces in 1916. The region is divided into five federal states: Central Darfur, East Darfur, North Darfur, South Darfur and West Darfur. Because of the war in Darfur between Sudanese government forces and the non-Arab indigenous population, the region has been in a state of humanitarian emergency from 2003 to 2009/2010.
A famine in the mid-1980s disrupted many societal structures and led to the first significant fighting amongst Darfuris. A low level conflict continued for the next 15 years, with the government co-opting and arming Arab Janjaweed militias against its enemies. The fighting reached a peak in 2003 with the beginning of the Darfur conflict, in which the resistance coalesced into a roughly cohesive rebel movement. The conflict soon came to be regarded as one of the worst humanitarian disasters in the world. The insurgency and counter-insurgency have led to 480,000 deaths, though the numbers are disputed by the Khartoum government. Over 2.8 million people have been displaced since the beginning of the conflict.
A Darfur Peace Agreement between the Government of Sudan and the Sudan Liberation Movement of Minni Minnawi was signed in 2006. The agreement was signed by only one rebel group, the Sudan Liberation Movement, and rejected by the Justice and Equality Movement resulting in a continuation of the conflict. The agreement includes provisions for wealth sharing and power sharing and established a Transitional Darfur Regional Authority to help administer Darfur until a referendum could be held on the future of the region. The leader of the Sudan Liberation Movement, Minni Minnawi, was appointed Senior Assistant to the President of Sudan and Chairman of the transitional authority in 2007.In December 2010 the Sudan Liberation Movement withdrew from the peace agreement and the regional authority. Its leader, Minni Minnawi, fled to Southern Sudan and has since been dismissed as Senior Assistant to the President of Sudan and as Chairman of the Transitional Darfur Regional Authority. The new Chairman Shartai Jaafar Abdel Hakam subsequently dismissed 10 other members of the Sudan Liberation Movement from the authority.
In December 2010, representatives of the Liberation and Justice Movement, an umbrella organisation of ten rebel groups, formed in February of that year, started a fresh round of talks with the Sudanese Government in Doha, Qatar.
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