Warri, Nigeria: City of Peace
Welcome to Gregg Luma and his colleagues in Warri City, Nigeria: City of Peace.
The following is from the Proclmation they have proposed to their city government:
The Warri Peace accord in 2003 brought the Itsekiris, Ijaws and Urhobos to a roundtable to resolve an age long feud of over 70 years. The Itsekiris, Ijaws and Urhobos have been neighbours for over 700 years. The discovery of oil created so much tension that led to the pogrom which claimed so many lives and properties. The role played by residence of the city made it possible for the leaders of the various warring tribe to sit together.to agree that never again will there be arms conflict in Warri.
Note: Introduction page with information primarily at the time of joining International Cities of Peace. For updates, please contact the liaison.
African Foundation for Environment and Development – AFED
To create an environment which citizens will see peaceful co-existence as a condition for wealth creation and a healthy life style.
Letter of Intent
Developing existing traditional methods of conflict resolution as tools for conflict transformation and peace management.

1 To create an enabling environment that will enhance human capital development.
2 To collaborate with the institutions of government for conflict transformation and peace management.
3 Striving to make a larger number of the youth in Warri city an agent of peace building.
4 Giving early warning signal to the agencies of government responsible for conflict resolution in the state.
5 Training and Workshops on peace building.
6 Organizing road work and lectures for peace on every 21st of September to canvass for more volunteers.
WHEREAS the World Health Organization defines health as not merely the absence of disease or infirmity, but achievement of a balance of physical, mental, and social wellbeing, and
WHEREAS peace is not merely the absence of war and violence, but a condition where society has achieved a balance of prosperity, security, justice and hope, and
WHEREAS peace is necessary for everyone to achieve health as defined by the WorldHealth Organization, and
WHEREAS The Warri Peace accord in 2003 brought the Itsekiris, Ijaws and Urhobos to a roundtable to resolve an age long feud of over 70 years. The Itsekiris, Ijaws and Urhobos have been neighbours for over 700 years. The discovery of oil created so much tension that led to the pogrom which claimed so many lives and properties. The role played by residence of the city made it possible for the leaders of the various warring tribe to sit together.to agree that never again will there be arms conflict in Warri.
WHEREAS the community leaders of [Warri City] are committed to establishing peace in the region to promote economic opportunity and improve the quality of life of the people of our region, and
WHEREAS the United Nations has designated 21 September of each year to be the International Day of Peace, devoted to commemorating and strengthening the ideals of peace both within and among all nations and peoples; therefore be it
RESOLVED that the [Official civic body] proclaims the [Warri City] to be a City of Peace in perpetuity, and be it further
RESOLVED that the [Official civic body] designates 21 September of each year to be the [Warri City] Day of Peace in perpetuity, and be it further
RESOLVED that the [Official civic body] develops policies and procedures that promote establishing peace in our region in perpetuity.
For more information please contact:
Gregg Luma <temigreggs@yahoo.com>
Warri is a city in Delta State, Nigeria. It is an oil hub in Southern Nigeria and houses an annex of the Delta State Government House. It served as the colonial capital of the then Warri Province. It shares boundaries with Ughelli/Agbarho, Sapele, Okpe, Udu and Uvwie although most of these places, notably Udu, Okpe and Uvwie, have been integrated to the larger cosmopolitan Warri. Osubi houses an airport that serves the city. Effurun serves as the gateway to and the economic nerve of the city. Towns in the Warri metropolis include: Ogbe-Ijo,Ovwian, Aladja, Ekurede Itsekiri, Jakpa, Owhase.
The Federal Republic of Nigeria, commonly referred to as Nigeria Listeni/naɪˈdʒɪəriə/, is a federal constitutional republic in West Africa, bordering Benin in the west, Chad and Cameroon in the east, and Niger in the north. Its coast in the south lies on the Gulf of Guinea in the Atlantic Ocean. It comprises 36 states and the Federal Capital Territory, where the capital, Abuja is located. Nigeria is officially a democratic secular country.
The city of Warri has a unique history that has not been documented well enough by historians. The name Warri province was once applicable to the part of an area now called Delta State under the Colony and Protectorate of Southern Nigeria. Its boundary in the Northeast was Sapele/Udu creek near Ughelli and Aboh, with Forçados River in the Southeast and Jameson Creek in the Southwest which later changed to Delta Province. Warri city is one of the major hubs of petroleum activities and businesses in the southern Nigeria. It is a commercial capital city of Delta State, with a population of over 311,970 people according to the national population census figures for 2006.[1] The city is one of cosmopolitan cities in southern Nigeria comprising originally of Urhobo, Itsekiri and Ijaw people. Warri is predominantly Christian with mixture of African traditional religions like most of the Southern Nigeria. The city is known nationwide for its unique Pidgin English.
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