Yola, Adamawa, Nigeria: City of Peace
On the 18th day of March, Adamawa a state in the North Eastern Nigeria ravaged by Boko Haram was declared a state of peace in a peace ceremony organized by the Centre for Peace and Positive Leadership Adamawa chapter. We welcome Fred McAlfred (Felix Obirieze Nwosu) and his colleagues who have initiated many peace activities in Northern Nigeria where radical extremists have ravaged the countryside.
Note: Introduction page with information primarily at the time of joining International Cities of Peace. For updates, please contact the liaison.
18 – 50 MANDATE
The above named organization is a national youth body that has been established or founded to create the avenue for all Nigerian youth to interact and be united for a common purpose. First, it came as an idea and later took the form of a national movement and it has remained that way.
It was established in the year 2014 by a group of vibrant, focused, proactive and highly passionate Nigerian youths, stemming from the sole vision of the national coordinator (Felix Nwosu,FM). These youth are committed to youth re-awakening, emancipation, enlightenment, creating a new philosophical foundation that will change the youthโs attitudes, personality and redeem their mentality towards national development, the demand for accountability at all levels of government and to see the need for a true nationalist youth political party in Nigeria.
It is not yet a political party. It is not affiliated to any government agency, neither is it affiliated to any political party. It is not a profit making or oriented organization. However, as a nationalist movement, it does provide the means to help youth understand their roles in national development through active participation in political system and to ensure the emergence of credible citizens as leaders, and to be better equipped in dealing with political dynamics within the Nigerian federation.
The organization is primarily designed for the purpose of redeeming the mentality of the entire Nigerian citizens by sensitizing youth on the reasons why poor political leadership has remained persistent in Nigeria and the possible solutions.
It intends to create political awareness among the youths, to also demand accountability and transparency from our leaders and finally to chart a new cause in the history of our nation by providing the means towards youth dialogue in other to establish a true nationalist youth political party in Nigeria.
To register a nationalist youth based political party in Nigeria, that will create the platform for youths who can deliver on all sides of governance, to contest for elective positions and public offices.
To support, produce, and elect non-divisive and non-deceptive, youthful, visionary, selfless and result-oriented persons as leaders at all levels of government.
– To reconcile Nigerians with much focus on the youths of all ethnic Nationalities and make peace amongst ourselves and strengthen the bonds of our brotherhood.
– To make 18 – 50 mandate a proactive youth movement, which promotes equity, social justice, oneness and unity devoid of religious and tribal attachments.
– To build togetherness among youths of the nation; to provide a consultative platform for youth to interact amongst themselves on the pertinent issues confronting the nation.
– Collectively agitate against the nationโs common foes; to promote the spread of relevant information on national and continental issues amongst the youth at both tiers of government.
– To bring youth from diverse background together and foster unity and purpose driven or positive national development and greater participation.
– To nurture and produce vibrant youth leadership at all levels or tiers, that will be essential in local, state, national and regional(continental) discourse or deliberations to rally youths behind the vision of bringing rapid change to Nigeria and the African continent.
– Initiate youth to leadership by example by promoting effective involvement of youth in politics and other areas of key decision making and national development.
– To be the official mouth piece of the entire Nigerian youths and to effectively represent Nigerian youths in regional organizations and other international organizations. To also discuss international issues that is particularly of concern to Nigerian youth.
– To prepare vibrant, spirit filled youth and young adults who are passionate about seeing our country and Africa rise to prominence.
– Development of youth sensitization and enlightenment on civil rights and social justice.
-To produce youth that will meaningfully participate in national development, political activities, economic and socio-cultural activities.
– To work for the betterment of all youth, aged and defends the rights of our children and women in Nigeria.
– To create that avenue where all youths irrespective of their background, can realize their dreams and meaningfully engage in the collective pursuit of happiness of all youths.
-To also engage Nigerian youth in the pursuit of the common good of all citizens.
– To facilitate the promotion of quality education, culture and civic education amongst the youth et al.
Same People 1 Nation in Love

NOTE: We need a capable hand to coordinate your state, if Nigeria must survive, the youths must rise above our gullible stage and start a re-structuring agenda that will produce new sets of national leadership to return smiles of the faces of every Nigerian. will you not join us now?
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Comr. Nwosu Felix Obirieze (Fred McAlfred) is the founder and Executive director of the Centre for Peace and Positive Leadership Non-governmental Organization registered in Nigeria with the core vision and aim to reconcile the divided Nigeria ethnic nationalities through the youths. This peace and positive leadership advocacy is today established in all the 36 states of Nigeria including the Federal Capital Territory (Abuja), with six regional executiveโs structures and 774 local Governments Area presences.
On the 30th of June, the Executive Director was awarded a global peace award as an Ambassador for Peace by the Universal Peace Federation in recognition of his immense contributions to global peace campaign and selfless service to humanity and good leadership.
He is a human Resources Management expert, a custodian of the laws of God as an ordained Apostle in the ESOCS church and also a custodian of the culture of his peoples as a crowned title holder of Ochiudo meaning peace maker in his community, Elelem Autonomous Community in Ngor/Okpala Local Government Area of Imo state in Nigeria, west Africa.
This advocacy has been taken outside Nigeria as the Family now has Coordinators in USA, CANADA, UNITED KINGDOM, GERMANY, BELGIUM, THE GAMBIA et al and with the collaboration and partnership with the International Cities of Peace led by Fred Arment, our vision of the world of peace is achievable.
Amb. Nwosu Felix Obirieze (JP)
Founder/Executive Director
Centre for Peace and Positive Leadership (CPPL)
The Adamawa executive is led by Abdulkarim MohdFred McAlfred is a former Executive Consultant and Founder/National coordinator of 18- 50 Mandate at CGRE. He also worked for Reality Farms and Agro-Allied Industries.
Receiving a role model award for Prof. Njoku Jude Ejike from the National Youth Council (NYC) Alvan Ikoku Chapter
Letter of Intent
Fred McAlfred
Centre for Peace and Positive Leadership
Adamawa chapter
Fred McAlfred <fredmcalfred@gmail.com>
For Inquiries:
Fred McAlfred (Nwosu Felix)
Vision bearer/Founder/National coordinator
Call: +2348067181048
E-mail: 18to50mandate@gmail.com
Fb: 18 – 50 mandate
Yola, meaning ‘Great Plain’ or ‘Vast Plain Land’, is the capital city and administrative center of Adamawa State, Nigeria. Located on the Benue River, it has a population of 336,648 (2010). Yola is split into two parts. The old town of Yola where the Lamido resides is the traditional city but the new city of Jimeta (about 5 km NW) is the administrative and commercial centre. Generally the term Yola is now used to mean both. To the north are the Mandara Mountains and the south are the Shebshi Mountains with Dimlang (Vogel) Peak the second highest point (2,042 m) in Nigeria after Chappal Waddi (mountain of death). Yola is an access point to the Gashaka Gumpti Nature Reserve, which is the largest national park in Nigeria, the Ngel Nyaki montane forest reserve, the Mambilla Plateau, The Sukur UNESCO World heritage site, which is Africa’s first cultural landscape to receive World Heritage List inscription,[2] The Yadin Waterfalls, The Kiri Dam on the Gongola River, The Benue national park in nearby Cameroon, The Waza National Park, and Cameroonian town of Garoua, which lies across the Border, on the Benue river.
Adamawa is a state in northeastern Nigeria, with its capital at Yola. In 1991, when Taraba State was carved out from Gongola State, the geographical entity Gongola State was renamed Adamawa State, with four administrative divisions: Adamawa, Ganye, Mubi and Numan. It is the home of the American University of Nigeria in Yola and Modibbo Adama University of Technology Yola. It is one of the thirty-six states that constitute the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
The Federal Republic of Nigeria, commonly referred to as Nigeria, is a federal republic in West Africa, bordering Benin in the west, Chad and Cameroon in the east, and Niger in the north. Its coast in the south lies on the Gulf of Guinea in the Atlantic Ocean. It comprises 36 states and the Federal Capital Territory, where the capital, Abuja is located. Nigeria is officially a democratic secular country.
Modern-day Nigeria has been the site of numerous kingdoms and tribal states over the millennia. The modern state originated from British colonial rule beginning in the 19th century and the merging of the Southern Nigeria Protectorate and Northern Nigeria Protectorate in 1914. The British set up administrative and legal structures while practicing indirect rule through traditional chiefdoms. Nigeria became a formally independent federation in 1960. It experienced a civil war from 1967 to 1970. It then alternated between democratically elected civilian governments and military dictatorships until it achieved a stable democracy in 1999, with the 2011 presidential elections considered the first to be reasonably free and fair by the American National Democratic Institute.
On May 14, 2013, President Goodluck Jonathan declared a state of emergency in Adamawa State, along with neighboring Borno State and Yobe State, due to the activities of Boko Haram.
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