Innovative Programs from International Cities of Peace

City-to-City Collaborations

individual Cities of Peace can create cooperative, non-legally-binding City-to-City Agreements with other Cities of Peace. The Program enables multi-city collaboration for people-to-people communication, mutual goal achievement and support. The focus of International Cities of Peace is to encourage “in situation” voluntary actions to increase peace in each community. Networking with other Cities of Peace can be beneficial but can also distract from the essence of community peacebuilding. 


International Day of Peace

Through the ICP City-to-City Collaboration program Global Feast for Peace, the entire world has been celebrating together through the ancient peacebuilding way to create community. Join in the celebration, commemoration, and education about peace in community — Feast for Peace!


The Golden Rule Institute

The Golden Rule Institute is a service of International Cities of Peace. The Institute is dedicated to forging a new relationship between our global society and the ancient ethic of the Golden Rule. The Institute encourages, promotes, and publishes scholarly and personal writings, thoughts, articles, and life stories on innovative ways that application of the Golden Rule can foster a culture of personal and societal peace.


Rotary Cities of Peace

Many current Cities of Peace began or developed a close collaboration with local Rotary Clubs. International Cities of Peace provides an easy, off-the-shelf, supportive program for engaging the entire community in peace building. The Rotary E-Club of World Peace, centered in California, United States with membership around the globe, provides a vision of how Rotarians can move from project-based Peace Committees to program-based peacebuilding. By establishing your City as a City of Peace — Community IS the Program!


ICP Video Opportunities

On two platforms, International Cities of Peace have opportunities for members and Liaisons to upload and display community and peace-building videos. All videos must be created by official Liaisons (leaders) of Cities of Peace or ICP Central Facilitators. No videos from other places will be featured on the ICP video channels. The first step is to post in the Member Page on Facebook. The second step is to receive approval and have your video posted on the ICP YouTube Channel.