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Midland, Michigan is the 343rd International City of Peace.
CITY OF PEACE VISION: To foster a culture of peace both locally and globally whereby conflict is managed through nonviolent means guided by principles of nonviolence, non-partisanship, primacy of local actors, and civilian-to-civilian action. CITY OF PEACE MISSION: To inspire educational programs, services, and events that will empower our community to establish an inclusive, enduring, and sustainable culture of peace.
CITY OF PEACE GOALS: 1. Work with local agencies in their endeavors to create a culture of peace. 2. Support peace education for our youth and all citizens. 3. Build peace globally by acting locally.
Photo 1: Midland's Tridge, a three-way wooden footbridge spanning the confluence of the Chippewassee and Tittabawassee Rivers in Chippewassee Park. Photo 2: Midland's International City of Peace Bench installed in Chippewassee Park in 2023. Photo 3: ICP Team with (L-R) City of Midland Mayor Maureen Donker, Kathy McCreedy, Gail Hoffman, Judy Timmons, and Jeanne Lound Schaller.
Judy is the current leader, treasurer, and historian for Nonviolent Peaceforce Midland. As historian, she has worked with an archivist at the Midland Center for the Arts to archive our story.
Jeanne Lound Schaller gschall@outlook.com
Rotary Club of Midland, Nonviolent Peaceforce Midland, Midland Area Community Foundation, Midland Area Wellbeing Coalition, Cultural Awareness Coalition, MACF Violence Prevention Partnership, Saginaw Valley State University, Northwood University, Delta College, Chinese Culture Ongoing Program
I dream of a world that no longer uses guns to resolve differences but uses the proven methods of Nonviolence Peaceforce, which the United Nations has endorsed, as the new tool (not guns) that should be endorsed and utilized to settle conflicts.
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