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Iam Tayebwa Philips 3p trauma,and addiction counselor.based in nakivale refugee camp in new congo village .

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New congo community has a number of over 30000 people and all are refugee survivors from different countries like Democratic republic of congo ,Sudan etc.
Vision:To ensure refugees gain peace and create better stronger thoughts for life. Mission: To train the community about peace ,hope,war trauma and healing from difficult days.
_To Fight violance among people._To assist and establish individual relationships in support care groups of nakivale. -we will provide safe place to heal ,give help and reassurance. -We will provide opportunity for sharing in the community.- We want to ensure guidance on helping sad depressed at risk ideas and action..
Healing Health Healing create stronger better thoughts.
Tayebwa Philips is so passionate and is a peace make through sharing love and teaching about the role of thought.
Yes, I approve the guidelines for an International City of Peace and will provide four or more additional approved signatures of community Peace Team members (see next registration field). "A culture of peace is a set of values, attitudes, traditions and modes of behavior and ways of life based on respect for life, ending of violence and promotion and practice of non-violence through education, dialogue and cooperation. Tenets include: Full respect for and promotion of all human rights and fundamental freedoms; Commitment to peaceful settlement of conflicts; Efforts to meet the developmental and environmental needs of present and future generations; Respect for and promotion of the right to development; Respect for and promotion of equal rights and opportunities for women and men; Respect for and promotion of the right of everyone to freedom of expression, opinion and information; Adherence to the principles of freedom, justice, democracy, tolerance, solidarity, cooperation, pluralism, cultural diversity, dialogue and understanding at all levels of society and among nations; and fostered by an enabling national and international environment conducive to peace." In addition, the Golden Rule - "Do for others as you would have them do for you" -- provides a unity proposition for personal, local and global peace.
Note: If information or photos used here are copyrighted, please contact us and we will immediately delete the copyrighted material. ® International Cities of Peace is a registered trademark of Cities of Peace, Inc. Trademarks include Inspire Peace™ and City-to-City Collaboration Program™. Safety, Prosperity, and Quality of Life: the Consensus Values of Peace (cc) by J. Frederick Arment is licensed under Creative Commons BY 4.0. To view a copy of this license, visit